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“Todo Manço” Mine, Bulqiza

Emri “Todo Manço” Mine, Bulqiza
Vendndodhja: Bulqiza
Viti i Ndërtimit: 1954
Viti i Mbylljes: 1983

The mine was opened on 17 February 1948.It was named “Fitore” (Victory).Up to 1954, its workers were from Bulqiza’s surroundings.The Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia sent their engineers to inspect and manage works in this mine.

According to a record from 27 July 1954, provided in on the operative daily communication, it was required for Unit 301, Bulqiza that 515 prisoners work underground and 223 outside. As there were 732 prisoners, 400 were sent to work underground and 110 on the ground. To guard the convicts, a military personnel of 152 people was established here.

In 1969, a share of the prisoners classified as dangerous for committing serious crimes worked here.

In 1979, due to severe work conditions, it was reported that on 26 January 1979, a serious accident took the lives of nine prisoners, which is one of the most tragic accidents having occurred in this mine.

In 1980, there were 80 political convicts in Unit 301, Bulqiza.

There were multiple deaths not only in the mine, but also among the guards. Between the years 1954-1982, according to official statistics, 81 prisoners died in the mine of Bulqiza (Unit 301).