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Temporary labor camps

46 posts

Temporary Labor Camps

The hardest works for the completion of projects, of which the communist government would later boast, were immediately assigned to political convicts, who drained marshes, opened up roadways and irrigation canals while working as slaves.

Others were distributed near agricultural farms. When they left the enclosed camps, the interned mainly worked in agriculture, whereas the prisoners, with little exception, were organized in what would be called reeducation units with forced labor.

These camps were temporary. Somewhere close to the marsh to be drained or work to be constructed, dormitories were improvised and enclosed by barbed wire. The camp would stay there until the end of the works. Later, the convicts would be moved to another work front.

This is where we see the camps of the first and later years, designated as Reeducation Units and temporarily placed near working areas.

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Valas Camp, Elbasan

On 27 November 1970, Unit 315 is moved to Valas, a village not too far off Cërrik. The objective of the transfer…
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Rinas Unit

On 14 – 15 July 1955, Unit No. 2 was moved to Rinas, Tirana, where it was named Unit 303. The new…
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Olive Groves Camp

Records of 1950 mention that “100 professional prisoners” worked in the olive groves of Vlora. They are believed…
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Yzberisht Camp

In 1950, the Maliq Camp was moved to Yzberisht, Tirana. Works would be performed here for the dyes’…
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Bona Bridge Camp

In 1950, the camp worked in the construction of the Peqin-Elbasan railway. The railway had four tunnels and 100 bridges.…
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Peqin Camp

The camp was constructed in Peqin, where prisoners started work on 27 May 1951 for the construction of the Peqin-Kavaja canal.…